Items You Should Have at Home in Case of an Orthodontic Emergency

Our teeth do so much for us on a daily basis. While most of the time they are strong and reliable, accidents do happen from time to time. When emergencies do happen, it is crucial that you have some important items on hand so that you can handle them to the best of your ability. Keep reading for some advice from Dr. Bob Vaught and Dr. Kate Vaught at Vaught Orthodontics about what items to have on hand in case of an orthodontic emergency.

Safety First

While accidents are sometimes unavoidable, there are a few things you can do to take preventative measures against tooth emergencies. You should be doing things like:

  • Wearing a mouthguard while playing sports
  • Brushing and flossing regularly to keep your teeth and gums healthy
  • Staying away from hard, crunchy, or sticky foods you aren’t supposed to eat while in braces treatment
  • Going to all of your orthodontist and general dentist appointments as scheduled

Preparation is Key

Preparation is the ultimate key to keeping a small orthodontic emergency from escalating into a full-blown disaster. Here are some things you should keep readily available at home, in the car, and while traveling to make sure you’re ready for an orthodontic emergency:

  • Over the Counter Painkiller: Over the counter pain relievers such as Advil, Aleve, and Ibprofuen may be taken to help alleviate any pain or discomfort. Please consult the directions on the back of the bottle or your general practitioner for safe dosage amounts and instructions.  An oral painkiller such as Orajel may prove helpful as well.

  • Orthodontic Wax: Your orthodontist’s office gives you wax for a reason! You can use this wax to cover a bracket or hook that’s rubbing or causing any discomfort. Don’t be stingy with it! And never hesitate to ask your orthodontist for more wax if you run out. Additionally, if something is out of whack, you can cover it with wax until you can get to your orthodontist’s office to have them take a look.

  • Nail Clippers: If you have a wire that is poking you and you need immediate relief, sometimes wires can be clipped using nail clippers with the help of a parent or trusted adult. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS WITHOUT SPEAKING TO YOUR ORTHODONTIST’S OFFICE FIRST. Your office should have an emergency number to call, and they can talk you through how to do this safely.

  • Floss: If something uncomfortable gets wedged in between your teeth, floss can usually set it free. Don’t forget to use your floss threaders to help make flossing with braces easier!

  • Your Orthodontist’s Contact Info: Be sure to contact your orthodontist’s office if any orthodontic emergency strikes. They can often see you that day, if necessary, or if you’re out of town, they can give you professional advice and perhaps even get you in contact with a local Orthodontist in your temporary location.

If you take good care of your teeth, orthodontic emergencies should be relatively easy to avoid. However, sometimes life happens. Be sure to have an emergency kit on hand, and you should be able to handle most orthodontic emergencies. As always, never hesitate to contact our office if you find yourself with an orthodontic emergency. We are here to help!